About Us

E.G.O lacquer

About Us

EGO lacquer also known as "polish for a cause" was created by Miami based manicurist Sherwin Hora, who was inspired by her daughter Jaedha after being diagnosed with a late onset of GBS (Group B Strep). The polish line was created with purpose and aims to create awareness while giving back to other organizations.


   November of 2011, just 5 weeks after bringing my new baby girl home, I had just moved in to my new home and was unpacking when my daughter Jaedha began to cry, I did everything I knew to do as a mother, I tried to feed her, I changed her diaper, I tried to burp her, I even tried rocking her to sleep but after several failed attempts nothing stopped the crying. The crying suddenly turned to wailing, a signal that something was wrong.

    We decided to take her to the hospital, and after taking her temperature the nurse determined that 101.4 was too high for a baby that young, we were quickly admitted, the wailing never stopped. A doctor came in and examined Jaedha, and ordered pain medication to stop the pain and the fever and walked out, little did I know her plan was to send us home; after being there for a little while longer, another doctor walked and examined the baby, at the touch of a finger she realized the baby would scream, at that moment she looked at me and said, "I don't know what exactly is wrong with this baby but something is not right, we are going to keep her."  Everything from that point on moved very quickly, antibiotics, catheter, spinal fluid, blood samples, etc. The next day while waiting on test results the disease specialist came in and tells me "Thank God you bought her in when you did, because if you had just waited a little while longer we would not be standing here right now having this conversation." It was that day I learned “GBS" Group B Strep is that bacteria that causes meningitis and that it was fatal to new borns.


    This same Group B Strep that women can live with and are usually tested for in the mid-final stages of pregnancy, this same Group B Strep that my Dr. had given me antibiotics the morning before the birth, it was only a 1% chance of the baby catching the GBS and she did.


Today Jaedha is a healthy 5-year-old, who is very shy, loving and she loves animals real and stuffed! I was inspired by her to launch a polish line when I realized how much she loves getting her nails polished.



     The infamous yellow in the line is named "Jaedha adores" after Jaedha, yellow is the color for GBS awareness, "Sincerely Rachelle", is a blue named after a close family friend who battled and lost the fight to brain cancer; blue is the color for brain cancer awareness. "Grandma's glasses" to be introduced will go toward Alzheimer's disease which my grandmother is currently battling, purple is the color for Alzheimer awareness. A red to be added for HIV awareness. These are the main colors of the line and 20% of all sales will go to donation and awareness to these illnesses.